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2016year2month25day Claimant Churchill Mining Plc . Claimants Churchill Mining Plc and Planet Mining Pty Ltd . C-PHB1 Claimant’s first Post-Hearing Brief of 23 August 2013 . C-PHB2
Read More2016year2month25day Arbitration Rules 14(2) and 20(1)(a) 5.1. The presence of all Members of the Tribunal constitutes a quorum for its sittings, including by any appropriate means of
Read More2012year12month26day On March 31, 2017, Churchill Mining PLC and Planet Mining PTY Limited ("Churchill" and "Planet," together, the "Applicants") filed with the International Centre for
Read More3 天之前 Republic of Indonesia, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/14 and 12/40. Mining and quarrying, including hydrocarbons (oil and gas) The Claimants shall bear the fees and
Read More2017year5month15day This case concerns an application for annulment (the "Annulment Application") of the award rendered on December 6, 2016 (the "Award") in the arbitration
Read MoreChurchill Mining and Planet Mining v. Indonesia Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator Select country
Read More2013year4month10day 1.1. The Tribunal recalls that Churchill Mining PLC (“Churchill Mining”), Planet Mining Pty Ltd (“Planet Mining”), and the Republic of Indonesia (“Indonesia”) have
Read More2015year7month23day Churchill Mining PLC and Planet Mining Pty Ltd v. Republic of Indonesia (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/14 and 12/40) PROCEDURAL ORDER NO. 13 . Respondent’s
Read More2016year12month21day Indonesia cannot be held liable for $2 billion in compensation sought by Churchill Mining for the revocation of a coal-mining concession, the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of
Read More2018year10month18day 2.1 Factual Background. Churchill Mining PLC (Churchill), a British company, and Planet Mining Pty Ltd. (Planet), an Australian company, provide mining
Read More2014year2month24day Churchill Mining Plc: Claimants: Churchill Mining Plc and Planet Mining Pty Ltd: C-PHB1: Claimant's first Post-Hearing Brief of 23 August 2013: C-PHB2: Claimant's second Post-Hearing Brief of 30 August 2013: C-RFA: Churchill Mining Plc's Request for Arbitration of 22 May 2012 in ICSID Case No. ARB/12/14: EKCP: East Kutai Coal
Read More2023year12month19day Churchill Mining Plc is a coal company registered in the UK with offices in Indonesia and Australia. It has a 75% ownership and controlling interest in the East Kutai Coal Project of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, with the balance being held by the Indonesian partners, the Ridlatama Group.Churchill also has a strategic holding in Spitfire
Read More2021year8month30day Kasus Churchill Mining Plc dan Planet Mining Pty Ltd Vs Pemerintah Republik Indonesia) August 2021 ... Namun, tanggal 8 Agu us 201 1 Pengadilan Tinggi Tata Usaha Negara menguatkan keputusan ...
Read More2013year3month4day The Tribunal held its first session on 27 November 2012 by video link. During that session, the Tribunal and the Parties discussed the briefing schedule for the Request which was later reflected in Procedural Order No. 1 as follows: (1) The Claimant shall file a Response to the Request for Provisional Measures by 17 December 2012;
Read More2014year2month24day On 12 January 2009, the Republic of Indonesia promulgated Law No. 4/2009 concerning Mining of Mineral and Coal. 47 Together with the implementing Regulation No. 23/2009 of 1 February 2009, this law adopted a new system of licensing through Mining Undertaking Licenses ("IUP"), abolishing the previous regime of KP
Read More2019year3month25day Pemerintah Indonesia, yang diwakili Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, telah memenangkan perkara di International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) di Amerika Serikat. Sudah bertahun-tahun Pemerintah Indonesia bersengketa melawan perusahaan multinasional Churchill Mining Plc dan anak perusahaannya Planet Mining
Read More2016year12month6day The request concerned a dispute between Churchill and Indonesia arising out of Churchill's alleged investment in Indonesian companies in the coal mining industry. In the request, Churchill invoked Articles 3 (2) and 5 (1) of the UK-Indonesia BIT.
Read MoreDownload an 8-1/2 by 14 inch Mining Map form (PDF). The map scale must be no smaller than 500 feet to the inch (that is, a claim 1,500 feet long must be shown with a length of at least 3 inches on the map). The map must show the position of the location monument and the claim-boundaries in relation to other claims, and establish numbers for the ...
Read More2016year12month10day Sedangkan, Planet Mining adalah anak perusahaan dari Churchill. “Ini sebuah sejarah kemenangan pertama Indonesia dalam gugatan arbitrase internasional,” katanya. Selain itu, Indonesia mendapatkan dana kompensasi atas biaya selama masa persidangan, US$8,646.526 juta atau Rp 115,86 miliar.
Read MoreIndonesia Churchill Mining and Planet Mining Pty Ltd v. Republic of Indonesia (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/40 and 12/14) Expand / Collapse All Applicable IIA. Indonesia - United Kingdom BIT (1976) Australia - Indonesia BIT (1992) Nationality of the parties. Respondent State(s) ...
Read More2012year12month26day 12.2.1. by the relevant filing date, submit by email to the ICSID Secretariat an electronic version [without exhibits] of pleadings, witness statements, and expert reports, 1 and upload these documents with exhibits to the FTP server created for this case; 12.2.2. courier to the ICSID Secretariat by the following business day:
Read More2016year12month6day The request concerned a dispute between Churchill and Indonesia arising out of Churchill's alleged investment in Indonesian companies in the coal mining industry. In the request, Churchill invoked Articles 3 (2) and 5 (1) of the UK-Indonesia BIT.
Read More2012year12month26day 1. By letter dated 7 March 2014, the Tribunal invited the Parties to confer and, if possible, agree on a schedule for the merits phase. On 24 March 2014, the Parties informed the Tribunal that they had not been able to agree on a schedule. In addition, the Claimants informed the Tribunal that they disagree with the Respondent's proposal to ...
Read More2019year4month5day Nilai gugatan investor tertinggi diajukan oleh Churchill Mining terhadap Indonesia yakni sebesar US$ 1 miliar. “Persoalan tata kelola tambang dan perizinan menjadi celah bagi masuknya gugatan investor kepada Indonesia, akibat carut marutnya mekanisme perizinan tambang kita”, tambahnya.
Read More(mtik diakses pada tanggal 1 Maret 2014) Permasalahan ini yang kemudian menjadi penyebab terjadinya sengketa antara pihak perusahaan Churchill Mining plc dengan pemerintah daerah Kutai Timur. Churchill merasa izin anak perusahaannya dicabut sepihak dan mengalami kerugian atas hal tersebut.
Read More2012year12month26day 1. Aggravate the dispute between the Parties; 2. Alter the status quo; or . 3. Jeopardize the procedural integrity of these proceedings; and (b) Recommend any further measures or relief that the Tribunal deems appropriate in the circumstances to preserve the Claimants’ rights. 1
Read More2010year9month27day Churchill Mining PLC and its Indonesian partners the Ridlatama Group, have completed a feasibility study on the 2.73 billion tonne (“bt”) East Kutai Coal Project in Indonesia.
Read More2013year3month25day Churchill Mining Plc menggugatan pemerintah RI ke arbitrase internasional senilai hampir Rp 20 triliun (dua miliar dolar AS) dalam kasus pencabutan sepihak izin tambang perusahaan pertambangan Inggris itu oleh Bupati Kutai Timur Isran Noor. Sebelumnya, gugatan yang diajukan Churchill melalui PTUN tingkat pertama hingga
Read More2019year3month25day Para penggugat mengklaim bahwa pelanggaran tersebut telah menimbulkan kerugian terhadap investasi nya di Indonesia. Mereka mengajukan gugatan sebesar USD 1.3 miliar. Terhadap gugatan tersebut, pada tanggal 6 Desember 2016, Pengadilan ICSID menolak semua klaim yang diajukan oleh para penggugat terhadap
Read Moreالمزيد من المعلومات
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